Saturday, November 8, 2008

Soul Wash

Rule #1 always have the camera available. Okay I admit it. I always miss rule #1. Shoo had her 1st reconciliation today. Rita Chew and I took her to the Church for her First Reconciliation Service. Daddy and the other siblings had to stay home. Fever, green goopy noses, and sore throat and that was just Daddy!

Rita Chew was such a wonderful big sister. She reminded Shoo how to go to reconciliation and that she had nothing to fear. She spoke to her of God's Mercy and how clean her Soul would be. She held Shoo's hand and went right before her to ease her sister's nerves. I prayed to her Guardian Angel the entire time she was up there. The two girls even went to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel to do their penance together and then came back to the pew to wait for me to finish. Afterwards we went to the Lamy Center and had little sandwiches, cookies, and punch.

Squeaky Clean, White as a Lamb........Thanks be to God for His Love and Mercy! When we got home we took the paper we had written our sins and ran them through the paper shredder. ( I have always encouraged my children to write them down during their examination of conscience so they don't forget. Then they burn or shred them afterwards. That simple act reminds us that God has no memory once we confess. )

Dear Sweet Jesus,

Thank You so much for giving us this beautiful Sacrament. And thank You for giving Shoo a sister who loves her like Rita Chew.

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