FOR TODAY February 9th 2010...........
Outside my window...
It is cold and snowy. 20+ inches when it’s all over I am told. It is amazingly beautiful. It is as if the world has come to a screeching halt.
I am hearing……………
Silence. Total and serene silence. I love the hush that comes with snow. It’s the kind of silence that seams deafening to the ears but speaks deeply to the soul. Yes Lord, what is it you wish to tell me.
I am pondering...
The silence.
The world has stopped as if it is waiting…………..holding its breath……………..silently waiting. Was this what it was like in heaven as they waited for Mary’s response? Like the silence of the snow…….waiting for the moment that God became man. Be it done to me according to Thy word.
I am thankful for...
Warm blankets, hot cocoa, hot coffee, and the smell of cinnamon.
From the kitchen...
Warmth that sticks to your ribs. Comfort foods like Grandma’s Chicken and Rice.
1 to 2 lbs cut up chicken
1 can fat free cream of celery soup
1 can fat free cream of chicken soup
¼ c finely chopped celery
½ cup shredded carrot
½ tsp cayenne pepper
4 cups water
Combine into large casserole dish and cover with foil. Place in oven at 425 for 45 min. Yum!
I am creating....
Plans to use the Alphabet Path for Fizzer (5 on Feb 18th) and Bob (3). Okay it’s mostly for Fizzer but Bob can join in. I am sure a few of the older ones will ask to join in on the fun. My favorite resource is Jessica’s Blog. Check it out she is very creative and willing to share. J
Rita Chew, Shooby, and I are also making gifts using Charlottes Saints – n- Stiches. I’ll post pictures when we are done.
I am reading...
In Conversation with God: Ordinary Time weeks 1-12 by Frances Fernandez and come Ash Wed I will begin In Conversation with God: Lent and Eastertide by Frances Fernandez. These are the best meditation books I have ever seen. They help me stay focused on my call to holiness in my everyday ordinary life as a wife and mother. And of course not far from me are the writings of Mother Angelica. Her writings help me to meet our Lord…… in this present moment. I am also reading The Little Flowers of Saint Frances. Oh how I love Father Frances.
I am praying...
For the repose of the soul of my husband’s stepfather Terry Best. For my friends who are still hanging in there with the movement. For all our Priest, Seminarians, and those discerning vocations.
Living the Liturgical Year...
Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is coming up.
Blue Berry Muffins, Making a Marian Grotto like this, watching this movie, and reading this book. Oh and I can’t forget Charlotte’s wonderful Coloring Pages. I hope to have my plans for Lent finalized and posted soon.
In Our Learning Room……….
Slow going…………..with the funeral and all the sickness, we’ve not done much.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
- Wednesday – More snow………perhaps we will build a grotto for Our Lady in honor of the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes coming up.
- Thursday – Mass and Activities for the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
- Friday: Mass and Library
-Saturday: Clean the February Funk away
Sunday: Mass in Morning
Adoration in the eveningJ
Here is picture I am sharing...
For More Simple Women’s Daybooks visit Peggy!
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